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Every month we submit an article written by one of the elders or church members to Great Shelford's monthly magazine. Here is our latest contribution for the March 2025 edition.


Open Doors

 Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated.
Hebrews 10:33

A quick quiz: in which countries are Christian believers a) most likely to be imprisoned? And b) most likely to be killed? One of the organisations we support at Great Shelford Free Church is Open Doors who work with persecuted Christians all over the world and they have just published this year’s ‘World Watch List’ – a list of the countries where believers face the most extreme persecution. The top ten countries are North Korea, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Eritrea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. 

Imprisonment? Most likely in the first country on the list. Martyrdom? Most likely in the seventh, where more Christians were killed in 2024 than in all of the rest of world combined. But you may be even more surprised to learn that in many of the countries where Christians are persecuted for their faith, their number is actually growing. Because there is a risk and a potential cost, Christians learn the value of their faith more clearly than in countries where faith is met with indifference. Incidentally, indifference is the opposite of both love and hate, they are not the opposites of each other. 

In early March we begin the period of Lent. Like Advent, this is a period of looking forward, but unlike Advent we are looking forward to remembering an unhappy event; not a birth but a death, the death of Jesus Christ. On a day known as Good Friday. Does that seem to be a contradiction? 

From our perspective the death of Christ may appear to be unfortunate, a mistake, something that shouldn’t have happened. But from God’s perspective this was no mistake, and it wasn’t the end, we know Jesus was raised from the dead. 

Like many Christians around the world, some of our members will be giving up something during Lent, whether it’s a type of food, tea, coffee, or even social media. It helps to remind us what Jesus gave up for us, and it makes our Easter celebrations more poignant. 

Jesus Himself was persecuted and killed. But the hope that He brought through His death and Resurrection is what gives believers around the world the courage to stand firm in their faith whatever hardships they may face. What do you have that’s worth dying for? Join us one Sunday and let’s help you find out more about Jesus. 
Richard Renouf


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